Wednesday, December 9, 2009


Oh, how I loathe Winter...

"Mommy, let's play outside...".
"but Boog, it's snowy and cold outside, do you still wanna go out"

We spend five minutes trying to find all of our winter stuff, to find out half of the stuff doesn't fit anymore...dig out the new stuff...15 minutes to get it all on...only to realize Nolan has to pee...take it all off...go pee...put it all back on...trudge outside...he wipes out in the snow, gets snow in his mitten...

"I cold..."
"do you wanna go back in?"

Repeat process in one hours time.....

Or, have you ever tried to buckle a kid in a car seat, one that is dressed like the abominable snowman??  It's no easy feat!!

Oh Winter...give us snow for Christmas, and then piss off.

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