Tuesday, December 15, 2009

sneezing glitter....

So...being that it is -1500 here....okay, well maybe not that cold...only -1300 for the 6th day in a row...my office had no heat yesterday, I stayed home with my spider monkey.  I have realized now that I will never do this again.  I love him to death, and I love that he is so so so so so so so so SO excited for Christmas, but I will NEVER stay home with him for another day, this close to Christmas again.

We hit our white glue quota for the next 4 years yesterday.  We made Christmas decorations with glitter (my family will love love love them, I am SURE of it!...teehee....suckas!!...)....we painted....Nolan ran his Hot Wheels through the paint on the kitchen table (about this point, I was about ready to hang him by his ankles)...we made trains with felt and white glue...we watched movies....we built train tracks....we played with race cars.....I lost my mind.....

*sigh*...I'm glad to be at work today.

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