Monday, November 30, 2009

My monkey...

                               Holy doodle, I love this kid!

Friday, November 27, 2009

Is it just me...

Is it just me...or does Christmas get more exciting the older your kids get...Yay Santa!!

Is it just me...that has a child that continually waits until I am relaxed in a bubble bath, before he comes in unannounced, and proceeds to stink me outta there...

Is it just me...that finds that this time of year, everyone is down in the dumps...

Is it just me...that wishes I could get away with dressing myself the way that Nolan does..."Sure buddy, those brown sweatpants match perfectly with that Batman T-shirt...go for it!"....*teehee*...

Is it just me...that loves Christmas lights, but loathes the idea of hanging my unco-ordinated ass off of a ladder, attempting to hang them...HA!  Enjoy the lights elsewhere Nolan, cause we ains't getting none...

Is it just a weekly post found on Wonderful World of Weiners every Wednesday...I'm just a little slow...hey - I'm just getting back into the swing of things, leave me alone!! 

Happy Friday!!

Thursday, November 26, 2009


Why must Nolan not listen, and forge ahead sticking his finger in the candle....was it so he could hear me say "I told you so!!"

Why must he say "I told you so mommy" whenever I do something stupid...

Why must he insist on pushing all boundaries....because he is a 3 year old boy - that's why.

Why must he push redial on the phone....and before I can clue in, he has had a 10 minute conversation with whomever will listen....

Why can't I find the simplicity in life as he so often sees...."Papa just needs a band-aid and some water and he can go home from the hospital"....I wish it were that simple...

One thing that I do know for certain, is that I love that kid...more and more everyday!!

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

*sigh*...Back to our quiet life...

We're are back...and slowly returning to normalicy...whatever that may be...

Had a rough couple of weeks, but we made it...

Back to living life with my comical kid...and back to more regular posts!

Monday, November 16, 2009

A new perspective...

Where does grudge holding get us?? Where does the worrying about all of the small things get us?? 

After the past 2 weeks that I have had, I have a new perspective on life.  It's so valuable.  Take pleasure in the simple things...I know I am going to.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Still here....

Just wanted to do a quick post, saying that yes, in fact we are still alive and has just been a really rough week and a half...

Do bad things come in threes??  I hope so...because if not, I am going to go postal...I can't handle anymore...

I hope everyone is doing well.

Thursday, November 5, 2009


Dearest Whomever is making my child sick;

Piss off!! Leave us alone!! 

Don't get me wrong, I love the snuggle time that comes with Nolan not feeling well...I could do without the boogers, and hacking in my face...I love that he wants to cuddle with me at night, but I may as well cuddle a baby ninja, one that practices kicks and elbows all night long...

Leave us alone, and let him get better.

That is all. 


A raging mother, that has had no sleep...don't mess with me.

Monday, November 2, 2009

The start of a new chapter...

Woooeee, I have had a rough week or so....and I am so so ready to start fresh...

Out with the old, in with the new....isn't that how the saying goes??

That's not to say that the old won't be dearly missed....

Look out new we come!