Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Fashion Forward Dinosaur

Let me start by saying that as many frustrating times, or times that I get angry or lose my patience with Nolan, there are far more times that we laugh until our tummy's the time he had gas (it must be a mom thing to find this funny, as 5 years ago, I would have found it disgusting, haha), and every step he took, he tooted, and would double over in laughter...

Anyways, whenever there is silence in my house, I worry...noise means movement, movement = breathing....sounds bizarre, I know, but if you aren't a parent already, just too will follow the breathing = noise theory.  Just as I finished doing the dishes, Nolan was supposed to be getting ready for bed, I heard...clomp...clomp...clomp...raaaaaa..silence...clomp...clomp...clomp...raaaaaaaa...silence...Now I really wonder what the heck is going on.  I peeked my head down the hallway - Nolan has all of his stuffed animals lined up against the wall, acting as a dinosaur...wearing my high heels. "Mommy, I dinosaur!! RAAAAAAAA"...

A perfect example of how he makes me tummy hurt by laughing...

I must get some work dinosaur has good, but yet expensive taste in shoes!

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