Friday, August 27, 2010

He's growing up. Sniffle....

When did my Bug turn into such a little man??!!

When did his milky breath turn into full blown night time halitosis?

When did his toys become so hard for me to play with?   What happened to the love of tupperware to play with??  Now he just uses it to carry water and make a mess somewhere!!

Hasbro, we are still not talking (Hasbro hatred) - however, your Gravity Bots (My Sanity) do kick some serious ass....

When did he learn that everything is "AWESOME"??

When did his love for tattoos, stick on, mind you,  outweigh mine??!

Why does he have to go to Kindergarten soon??!

Where is my little bitty baby that I could hold in the crook of my arm?

But yet, as big as he is, I still love the night time "mommy can I sleep wiff you?"'s....the stuffie stuck under his arm at every moment...the random "i love you momma"'s...the wet sloppy kisses...the absolute excitement at seeing Uncle Brad...

I love this boy.

It's official, my Bug is growing up, and I don't like it one bit.

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