Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Here we are...


So, here we are...my first post...I'm new to this whole 'blogging' world, so you will have to have patience with me as I learn!

Where to begin...well, how about the beginning...

I am a single mom to a rambunctious, active, busy three year old boy...he keeps me on the move, usually by cleaning up after his messes...sigh...oh well! Is it weird or wrong to say that I truly didn't think I would be able to love the little monster more and more everyday??!..because I do...he makes me thankful for the little things in life.

Hmm, what else...like I said, I am new to this whole thing, so be patient!

Hahaha, I have thought so much about writing a blog, and had all of these great ideas, and now...nothing...figures!

Well, lemme ponder this, and I will be back...I hope you are too!

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