Wednesday, September 30, 2009

10 things you should know about parenthood...

1.  It is by far the most stressful job ever...

2. Parenthood is not for the faint of heart...queasy stomachs need not apply

3. Sleep is now looked at as a privilage, not a right

4. Your child will develop a favorite toy or character...prepare to learn everything about this topic...and I mean everything...I am a pro at Thomas the Train

5. Silence is NOT the greatest sound...silence means trouble

6. Trying to watch YOUR tv show uninterrupted is virtually impossible, however, interupting your child while he/she watches HIS show is asking for a death sentence...or prepare for a massive tantrum

7. That being said, trying to accomplish anything, like writing this blog, un-interrupted is also unheard of

8. Parenthood entitles you to wear your pajamas or sweat pants out for no longer have to dress up to go downtown...if you do, you realize that something WILL be spilled on you

9. Your bed becomes a place for 2...even though you are a single mom

10. It is the most rewarding job in the entire world

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