well hello there strangers...
Yep, we are still here...plugging away. Lots has happened in our lives lately, lots that has made us, well me, Nolan doesn't really re-evaluate when he is only almost 4 years old...but, it has made me re-evaluate everything...and my consensus, well, I'm grateful. (Wow, that was a run on sentence if I have ever seen one!!)
I'm grateful for so much...I have an amazing Bug (Nolan to those that don't know that Nolan is my Bug, and will be forever and always)...I'm grateful for the random hugs and kisses I get from him...the simple statements, "Don't worry mommy, I always come home to you"...they melt my heart. I'm grateful for my family, who without them, whoa, who knows in what kind of shape I would be in lately....My Tash, I love her to bits and pieces...she is...well, she is my rock. *love you to bits*...All of my friends, near and far...In the grand scheme of life, I have it pretty good. Sure, there are times that I am ready to rip my hair out, or hang Nolan by his ankles, but there are also way way way more times, that we laugh until we cry, and I can sit back and just love.
Thank you to you all...just know that in some way, every single one of you has changed me, (all for the good...I hope, hahaha), and I'm loving this place in my life that I am at...
For once in a long time, we are happy.
Yay! I'm glad - you deserve it! Enjoy your vacation, beyatch!