Thursday, October 22, 2009

All about me...or at least it was..

Pre child -  My house was kept clean, tidy and orderly...
Child -   My house looks a bomb went off...mysteriously containing only Transformers and Thomas the  Train pieces...

Pre child -  I went to bed as late as I wanted, and slept until I wanted
Child -  I go to bed at 8pm, and rise when I hear the theme song to Diego, or some other cartoon...usually around 7am-ish..I hate mornings.

Pre child -  I could have a relaxing bath
Child -  My bath is usually interupted by a child that has to use the bathroom...and stinks me outta there

Pre child -  I could buy fancy smelling bubble bath, and enjoy it
Child -  I bathed in Transformers Blastin' Berry bubblebath last night

Pre child -  Life was all about me
Child -  Life is no longer about's about my heart and soul, which so happens to be walking around, leaving a trail of Transformers in his path....*sigh*...I love this kid.

1 comment:

  1. Awwwww...then you have to go getting all heart-y on me and I feel bad for wanting to keep my selfish life =)
