Wednesday, October 28, 2009

When it rains, it seems to pour...

Ever have those days that is seems as though everything is going against you...or am I the only one...please tell me, I am NOT the ONLY one that has those this perhaps an illness of sorts...or maybe this is a sign that I am going to lose a limb in my sleep....Okay, I am not the only one you say...phew.

Today is that day for me.  It seems as though sh*t runs downhill, and I just so happen to be standing in a huge hole...

Bah!!..It's just one of those days, and I know all will be well...buuuut for all that know me, I am a little impatient...opps!!

                  Anyways, it's always nice to see this crazy face at the end
                                                            of the day...

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Taking pleasure in the small things...

Being that I am never going to win "Mother of the Year", I choose to eliminate all chances that I may have in winning...I choose to scare the bejesus outta Nolan...yep, on a daily basis.  I hide around the corner, or sneak up behind him...whatever it takes to make him holler.

Just now, he went into the kitchen to get a cookie, (for all of you that are set on not feeding your kids sweets, or sweets after a certain time...Get bent.  Find someone else to harass...we enjoy our cookies...phew...I feel better with that off my chest...)....anyways, he went into the kitchen, flipped on the light.  I proceeded to stomp really loudly into the kitchen, only to hear him scream like a 3 year old girl....I am still giggling to myself as I write this...Not only did an ear piercing scream exit his body, but his little legs danced on the spot as though I have never seen them dance before....poor little fart....Tina Turner has nothing on him!!

I'm off to put Tina to bed...beware of what lurks around that corner!!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Oh Sugar Cookies, how I hate you...

I hate a love/hate relationship with Sugar Cookies....

Oh, how I love to eat them....but, Oh, how I hate to make them...they consistently turn out to taste like little flour hunks...ick....

Nolan on the other hand, loves to make, decorate and eat them...

Today we made them.  Here's my tidbit of info for the day *if you ever sweep crumbs onto the floor, don't let your child see you do it!!!*...Nolan was in charge of decorating with sprinkles...

Now, while I go sweep up 3 bottles of sprinkles that were swept onto my floor, can I offer anyone a flour hunk, covered in sprinkles????........

Thursday, October 22, 2009

All about me...or at least it was..

Pre child -  My house was kept clean, tidy and orderly...
Child -   My house looks a bomb went off...mysteriously containing only Transformers and Thomas the  Train pieces...

Pre child -  I went to bed as late as I wanted, and slept until I wanted
Child -  I go to bed at 8pm, and rise when I hear the theme song to Diego, or some other cartoon...usually around 7am-ish..I hate mornings.

Pre child -  I could have a relaxing bath
Child -  My bath is usually interupted by a child that has to use the bathroom...and stinks me outta there

Pre child -  I could buy fancy smelling bubble bath, and enjoy it
Child -  I bathed in Transformers Blastin' Berry bubblebath last night

Pre child -  Life was all about me
Child -  Life is no longer about's about my heart and soul, which so happens to be walking around, leaving a trail of Transformers in his path....*sigh*...I love this kid.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Giving up...

I've done it...I have let my child give up.  He hates skating...loathes it...screams, cries, begs to have a bath instead, and if you know my child, you know this means serious business.  Nolan believes baths are reserved for special occasions - like...well, we haven't stumbled upon those occasions yet...maybe his wife, or significant other will have better luck getting him to bathe...I've given up....So, needless to say, when he offers to have a bath instead of skating, he really really really  hates it.

Now, I feel really I teaching my child to give up easily??  Am I allowing him to throw his hands in the air and quit??  Am I letting him "win" the ever raging battle of wills against his mother??...Yes, yes I am...

And I'm doing it all in the name of my sanity...

Friday, October 16, 2009

HASBRO, I hate you.

I hate Transformers. 

If Nolan gets another one, I am going to throw it directly in the trash. Do not pass Go, Do not collect $200...Nope, no sir, you my darling Transformer, are not welcome in my house. I loathe simple, yet horrid horrid puzzling piece of plastic....Ages 3+ - ppppfffff, my ass!

This "thing" is the bain of my existence, the thorn in my side, the monster in my nightmares...

Do they look similar???  NO!!!!

I hate this thing.

I hate you Hasbro.

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

FuNk Off...

Yep, you read correctly...I got told to fuNk off my toddler...WHAT???!!!  When did this happen??  When did the little punk a$$ learn to drop a "sort of" F Bomb???!!!

My little little cutie...the one that jumps of the highest peak possible...the one that watches the V8 Commericials and whacks me in the forehead when he wants to...the one that wipes his boogers on me...the one that thinks that Auntie Tash rules the world and mom sucks pond slime...yeah, that's the one...he dropped a Funk bomb....

Sigh...he's a boy...I guess I must come to terms with the fact that this won't be the last...God, if you are up there, please please please don't let him drop the Funk Bomb at TayTare...thanks dude inappropriate???...Sorry!!...

By the way, thank you for speech could have been worse...

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Cold Germs

My darling son,

I am aware that I have preached sharing for the entire 3 years of your existence...Thank you for sharing when you feel like it.  I do greatly appreciate it.  Why, may I ask, do you feel the need to share your boogers??  How about your chewed food??  Just because you do not want these lovely things, does not mean that I do.  Most importantly, why do you feel as though you must share your cold germs??  The next time I feel as though I am going to cough or sneeze, I am going to run to you...and sneeze or cough in your face...perhaps I will wait until you are older and become aware of the grossness...

Dearest son, please stop this.  It is deeesgusting.

And now, thanks to you, I have a sore throat....

Your ever lovin' mommy

Friday, October 9, 2009


"Hey Boog...should we make some cookies??"....Yep, we need tookies in our house..."okay, are you going to be a good CLEAN helper??"...Yep, i donna (gonna with a d, for those of you that don't know Nolan's language, haha) be tlean tlean tlean helper....

Lies!!  All Lies!!!  We had flour from one end of the house to the other!!! hahahaha...

But they were the best cookies we have ever made!

Happy Friday!!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


So, being that I am feeling uber uncreative at the moment, I thought I would make todays post all about pictures...Pictures make me smile....

We spent many hours in the sandbox this summer!!

Nolan fell madly in love with Maddox this summer...and Maddox wound Auntie tightly around his little finger!!

Golfing with Justin

Driving the quad with Gramma

I could spend hours putting pictures on here, but I suppose you don't all have hours to spend looking at them!!  These are just a few of my recent favorites...

Enjoy your evening!!

Monday, October 5, 2009

I spy an armadillo....

Happy Monday!!

My weekend was really good...I hope yours was too!!

I wish I had the imagination of a toddler...last night, Nolan was supposed to be in bed...however, he decided that he needed to entertain his mom...

Now...take your hands and make them into binoculars over your eyes...yep, just like're doing, what do you see???  Nolan and I played this game last night...I saw the TV, and the movies...he saw armadillos, buffalos, monkeys and had no idea that's what the noise was at I thought it was the neighbor's dogs!!

*Sigh* have the imagination of a kid....

Friday, October 2, 2009

It's Friiiiiday!!

Happy Friday everyone!! 

I apologize for not posting yesterday...stinking Migraines....

I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend.  I'm sure I will think of many more things to post this life never seems to be quiet!

Have a fantastical, splenderific weekend!!